Sure BET

How to Join

If you are interested in signing up for the Sure BET Program and would like to know what your average monthly payment would be, just call toll-free (877) 456-3031 or (580) 332-3031.

Enroll with Bank Account

To enroll and pay with your bank account:

  • Print, sign, and return a Sure BET Authorization Form (PDF)
  • Send a voided check or savings account deposit slip
  • Return to our office by the 1st of next month to be put on the program for the next bill

Pay with Credit Card

To pay via credit card:


Certain restrictions may apply. Member authorizes PEC to initiate monthly payments of their electric service bill for the financial institution specified by the member. This authority will remain in effect until revoked by the member in writing. In addition, the member has the right to stop payment of charge up to five days after they have received their service bill from PEC. Member understands that both PEC and their financial institution reserves the right to terminate this payment plan or the member’s participation therein.

How Sure BET Works

Each month the amount of the bill you receive from People's Electric Cooperative (PEC) (either electronically or in the mail) is automatically paid from your checking or savings account or via credit card on the last day the bill is due (normally the 10th of every month).

This can be an average amount or the actual amount of the monthly bill.