How to Prepare for a Winter Storm

Winter storms can bring extreme cold, freezing rain, ice, snow, high winds, or a combination of all of these conditions. This edition of the People’s Powerline is designed to help you properly prepare for a winter storm and know how to protect yourself before, during, and after one. Planning and preparing can make a big difference in safety and resiliency in the wake of a winter storm. The ability to maintain or quickly recover following a winter storm requires a focus on preparedness, advanced planning, and knowing what to do in the event of a winter storm. Winter storms can cause power outages that last for days. Be better prepared this winter, and learn more on our Outages page.


Stock emergency supplies, and install battery-powered or battery backed-up carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors.

Identify a place nearby where you can safely warm up should you lose heat in your home.

Prepare an outage kit that includes a battery-powered radio, flashlight with fresh batteries, a portable power bank for your mobile phone, and bottled water.

Keep a stock of canned food in your cupboard, along with a manual can opener.

Program PEC’s outage reporting numbers in your cell phone if you must report an outage: (877) 272-1500 or (580) 272-1500 --local Ada area. Also, let us know the numbers you will be calling us from in order to expedite your outage restoration.


Stay indoors and off the roads. If you must drive, keep emergency supplies in your car. Allow line workers to restore your power uninterrupted.

Close off rooms to consolidate and retain heat.

Dress in layers, and pile a few extra blankets and sweaters together so you can find them easily if the heat goes off.

Never use a generator, camp stove, charcoal grill, or gasoline or propane heater indoors, as these items can start accidental fires, cause electric shock, and/or cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.

Stay away from fallen or sagging power lines. They could be dangerous even if the power is out.

After/Be Safe

Only drive if necessary. Remove snow and ice from your tailpipe before starting your car, and check regularly if idling. Clean all snow and ice from your car before driving.

Dress in warm clothing, stay dry, prevent prolonged exposure to cold and wind, and avoid overexertion clearing/shoveling snow. Overexertion can lead to a medical emergency.

Monitor local news and alerts for emergency information and instructions.